domingo, dezembro 17, 2006

Cartinha de fã do Japão! :)

Hi Affonsinho,

Tudo bem?

Thanks for the info about your show and the nice photo!
Your CD was already released here and I saw it in a CD shop the other day.
There was a little card in frong of your CD, recommending your music written by a shop staff.
It was really great!
Fumiko said that your "Singing in the rain" was facsinating, and other songs were also imprssive.

I'm so glad to hear that you're doing shows more than before these days.
The only problem is that I can't see it.
But it's OK. I'm not complaining it anymore.
I just wait the next chance to see your show in Japan, or in Brasil, wherever!
There is always a way. I believe it.

Well, I hope you enjoy playing in the show this week.
And merry christmas and a happy new year.

With love,

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Caro Aff de Uff (nuuu, desenterrado do fuuundo do baú!) Esperava comentar no post do showzinho de jazz e Belê, mas vamos lá. Primeiro queria dizer que foi tudo de bom vê-lo e ouvi-lo tocar e cantar novamente. Adorei tuudoooo!!! Quem não foi perdeu mesmo! Aproveitando queria desejar um FELIZ NATAL para você e todos os seus, que seu 2007 seja repleto de "picolés de alegrias"!!! Beijos, Si